Advices for Studying to the Bible Quiz

Hebrew version is available here 
  1. It’s easier to remember facts that are connected in your mind to other facts. so:
    • Try to find connetion between what you are studying now to other places in the Bible, and write in your notebook any interesting parallel you find (for example: who blew a horn and for what purpose? If you don’t remember – you can use a Concordance).
    • Study with commentaries! In the commentaries you will find references to other similar places in the Bible, and sometimes you will also find hints to distinguish between them (For example: See Rashi Genesis 18:10, 25:24, 38:27.)
    • Study with commentaries! The commentators argue about the correct commentary, and also bring proofs from other places in the Bible, and it helps to remember. Recommended commentaries (IMHO):
      • Tora - Rashi, Rashar Hirsch; Kli Yaqar, Ba'al Haturim (You can find them in Miqra^ot Gdolot).
      • Nvi'im & Ktuvim - Avrabenel, Malbim.
      • You too can be commentators! Think about what you are reading and try to understand it as best as you can. See also: the preface of Ibn Ezra to his commentary (You can find it in the beginning of Miqra^ot Gdolot to the book of Genesis).
    • Be creative! You can draw verses, sing verses as you walk in the street, or invent other ways to remember... You can find some sample pictures in the nachat site:
    • Study from a single Bible. Some of you have photographic memory, so you can remember where on the page a verse is written, and this can help you remember the verse itself.

  2. It's easier to remember facts that are organized in the brain in an orderly fashion. so:
    • STUDY SLOWLY!!! Study no more than 2 chapters per day from each subject (e.g. 2 chapters from Nvi'im Rishonim and 2 chapters from Nvi'im Achronim). The material you study each day is put in a seperate 'cell' in the brain, and when the cell contains less chapters - it is easier to find what you look for within the cell.
    • Study different subject each day, e.g. don't study Ysha'yahu and Yirmiyahu in the same day because they are quite similar and it can confuse you. It's better to first take 2 weeks to study all Ysha'yahu and then take 2 weeks to study all Yirmiyahu. This way you'll also get used to the differences in style of these two prophets and it will help you distinguish between them.
    • Study early in the morning - right after you get up, or late in the night - right before you go to sleep (it is easier to recall the material that is stored in the beginning of the daily 'cell' or in the end of it).
    • Write summaries of the main subjects in each book you study. It will help you organize the facts in your mind.
    • Summarize details in tables, for example: the judges, the kings of Israel and Judea, the wars of Israel, etc.
    • Read the summaries in commentaries such as "Da'at Miqra'" or Hartom-Qassuto. However, keep in mind that it is best to prepare the summaries on your own, because the process of preparing them also helps your memory.

  3. Your grasp ability is influenced by your physical and mental state, so:
    • sleep & eat well; don't study instead of sleeping! (see "Yad Chazaqa" [Rambam],"Hilkhot De'ot"). (There is a different opinion - see Mishna, Avot 6:4).
    • Some say they grasp better if they study standing up. Try this and see if it is true for you too.
    • Study loudly, happily, with enthusiasm! (especially when you study poetic and prophetic chapters).

  4. It is important to re-study the material at least once (if you have time), buy it is no less important to prevent confusion. so:
    • Every day -- re-study the chapters you studied yesterday and then go on to new chapters.
    • Studying Nvi'im Achronim: Finish studying a book and then re-study it before you begin a new book.
    • If you have time - study by heart every section you don't understand. It is also especially useful to study by heart the songs in Nvi'im Rishonim, because there are many questions about them in the quiz, and they are quite similar to Nvi'im Achronim.

  5. The best advice (Avot 4:6): "He who studies in order to teach - is blessed with the ability to both study and teach". Therefore:
    • Compose questions and riddles for your friends that study for the quiz, and you'll help both them and yourself.
    • Prepare Bible lessons! When you'll join Nachat (Noar Chovev Tanakh - the Tanakh youth organization) you'll be able to give your lessons to the members, and everybody will be very happy.
For more information about Nachat - visit the Nachat site: or email: nachat @